Having an research institution for hare-brained ideas is all well and good, but what if it were to be challenged? Furthermore, how are newly-Doctorated Doctors to be commemorated, and granted the appropriate rank within CQP itself? Most importantly: how would we be able to decapitate the demons and dragons that the biologists will surely send our way, once word of our achievements spread?
Wielded by the defender of the group; the physics sword shall be inscribed with incantations that are unintelligible by those not of the correct persuasion. Using an electro-chemical method, the equations shall seamlessly flow from hilt to tip, striking fear in the hearts of those who would dare oppose CQP.
The sword shall also be ceremonial in purpose, being used to “knight” new Doctors, as well as being paraded about at ceremonies of other sorts. We have been promised titanium nitride coatings, which can give whatever we want a golden coating. This could give the inscriptions a gold inlay, after the rest of the blade has been ground down to a mirror polished steel.
This forms the first piece of the ceremonial set, the others being The Shield, The Sceptre, The Crown and The Hammock.
Due to Victorian laws regarding the creation and ownership of swords, this project is on permanent hiatus until a suitable arrangement can be organised. This may never happen, so don’t hold your breath.
[How did the biologists manage this!? Where’s my sw… oh. Wait.][/images/cthulhu.jpg]