Number of papers

Publish or perish is the name of the game. We look to encourage the number of papers published by adding achievements to our troops.

# Design Image
1 Paper w/ #1
2 Paper w/ #2
5 Paper w/ #3
10 Paper w/ #10
20 Paper w/ #20
50 Paper w/ #50

Number of citations

What good is a publication if no-one talks about it? Here are the awards for citations.

# Design Image
1 Bubble w/ #1
5 Bubble w/ #5
10 Bubble w/ #10
25 Bubble w/ #25
50 Bubble w/ #50
100 Bubble w/ #100
500 Bubble w/ #500
1000 Bubble w/ #1000

Physical Review Publications

Physical Review, known for reviewing physical things is a time honored journal of which many physicists publish. One goal however is not so easy, that is the coveted alphabet where a physicist has publications in every single journal, we wish to acknowledge said physicist’s path to greatness.

Journal Design Image
Physical Review PR-Hourglass
Physical Review A PRA
Physical Review B PRB
Physical Review C PRC
Physical Review D PRD
Physical Review E PRE
Physical Review X PRX
Physical Review Letters PRL
Reviews of Modern Physics RMP
All of them PR-alpha-beta

Other APS journals exist but I’m not sure if I should include them.

Programming Language

This is where we celebrate a person’s proficiency in the glorious language of computers.

Language Design Image
JAVA JAVA symbol

Other languages to be added.

Other Achievements

Achievement Design Image
Create your own graph type ?
Get published without question A question mark with a no symbol.
Innovator; create a new achievement ?


This is also a work in progress. Rank is designated by degree level. Whether someone achieves a rank by beginning a degree or completing it is yet to be decided. Ranks are also a work in progress.

Uni Rank Military Equivalent
Undergrad Private
Honours Private first class
Masters ?
Ph. D. ?
Fellow ?
A. Prof. ?
Prof. ?

A note from the author

Discussion is acknowledged and encouraged (there is an achievement for inventing a new badge/achievement after all) and so all opinions are welcome. If you think something needs tweaking just give us a buzz.